Casa de Esperanza is a 501(c)3 nonprofit. 100% of our operating budget comes from private donors just like you. Our tax EIN is 76-0105306.
Other Ways To Give
Gifts of Appreciated Stock
Giving a gift of appreciated stock can increase your gift and your tax deduction. Generally, you are able to take a deduction on the full market value of the stock when donating to Casa de Esperanza. If you wish to donate securities to Casa de Esperanza, please contact our Development Staff at 713-529-0639.
IRA Rollover (Qualified Charitable Distribution)
Individual Retirement Arrangement (IRA) owners age 70½ or over can transfer up to $105,000 to charity tax-free each year. These transfers, known as Qualified Charitable Distributions or QCDs, offer eligible older Americans a great way to easily give to charity before the end of the year. And, for those who are at least 73 years old, QCDs count toward the IRA owner’s Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) for the year.
Normally, distributions from a traditional IRA are taxable when received. With a QCD, however, these distributions become tax-free as long as they’re paid directly from the IRA to an eligible charitable organization.
QCDs must be made directly by the trustee of the IRA to the charity. An IRA distribution, such as an electronic payment made directly to the IRA owner, does not count as a QCD. Likewise, a check made payable to the IRA owner is not a QCD.
Each year, an IRA owner age 70½ or over when the distribution is made can exclude from gross income up to $105,000 of these QCDs. For a married couple, if both spouses are age 70½ or over when the distributions are made and both have IRAs, each spouse can exclude up to $100,000 for a total of up to $200,000 per year.
For more information, please visit with your accountant about your options.
Donor Advised Funds (DAFs)
When you give a gift to a nonprofit organization, you want your charitable donation to be as effective as possible. Donor Advised Funds (DAFs), the fastest-growing charitable giving vehicle in the United States, are a flexible and tax-efficient way to give to Casa de Esperanza. When you contribute cash, securities or other assets to your DAF, you are generally able to take an immediate tax deduction.
Have a DAF? Recommend Casa de Esperanza when you wish to make a gift (search our EIN 76-0105306 on any DAF charity database). Don’t have a DAF but want to establish one? Talk to your financial institution (like Fidelity, Vanguard or Schwab), or contact the Greater Houston Community Foundation to set one up.

To donate or request more information, please send us a message or call 713-529-0639. When you make a donation, your company can double or even triple the value of your generous gift in a manner of minutes. Casa de Esperanza’s employer matching gift program provides an easy way to increase the impact of your donation through corporate matching gifts.
Contact us to donate stock.
Send us a message or call us at 713-529-0639 to explore your options.